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Affichage des articles du juillet, 2021

pass jeune : visiting Paris

Hi guyss😍😍😍, Happy to See you guyss again for another post. This post concerning the peoples who lived in France. Down you Can see the images of pass jeunes. Whats pass jeunes ? Pass jeunes its like an little Book where WE haved in inside of this tickets for visiting différents museum , teather, outside activities and sports of outside and inside like swimming pool  for sometimes free and sometimes with discounts only if you have this pass jeunes when you go them. Who was concern ?? This was concern only the peoples who have 15 to 25 ages. How to do for having that?? For having that it's easy you just click on the link : Just click on them and create account After email confirmation you Come back on the website and check in down how many pass was available. Warning: when you connect if WE don't have available pass no problems you just return on the website morning , mostly morning was avail...

thoughts : To be writter